I am a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic team player and always keen to learn more. I am Driven to achieve the highest standard possible at any given task and accustomed to working and thriving in challenging and fast-paced environments. Coding is a passion for me, not just a job.


React | Redux | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript | RESTful architecture | HTML | CSS Bootstrap | SCSS| JSON | MVC | APIs | Git



● Basic CLI app to test the knowledge
● Provides detailed information about Covid-19 by each Country.
● Based on Ruby
● Initialized external API inside the seed file.


● Designed the logic and mechanics using Sinatra to create an engaging user experience.
● Basic backend app using Ruby functionality
● Used Helper method to lockdown the app
● Used Bcrypt to store encrypted password


An interactive online database application showcasing different recipes.
● Leveraged a custom API with Rails to create a custom database of recipes
● Used scope functionality and SQL queries to sort the search method as an added functionality
● Used RESTful routing
● Used CSS for application design to implement dynamic features.


● Movies application where users can browse different movies and add their reviews.
● Basic app using Vanilla JS
● Designed a backend framework using Ruby on Rails to build an API that serves relevant JSON “movie” data.


A Netflix/RedBox -inspired web application where users can browse a large collection of movies and watch trailers.
● Utilized JSON Web Tokens and localStorage to store encrypted user information client-side.
● Incorporated React, Bootstrap, Semantic-UI, and Popmotion in the frontend architecture and behavior with a customized design for interactive “movie” cards which users can interact with and view trailers.
● Designed a backend framework using Ruby on Rails to build an API that serves relevant JSON “movie” data.
● Utilized JSON Web Tokens to encrypt sensitive authentication data on the client-side to enhance security..


● Used NASA Api that serves images of rovers on Mars.
● Basic app using React JS
● Designed a frontend framework using React JS and added functionalities.